Arab League

Qatar has welcomed the UN Secretariat's decision to lift the Arab Coalition supporting the legitimacy in Yemen from the list of violators of children rights during conflicts and wars.

Qtar News Agency, QNA, quoted a Foreign Ministry source as saying the decision to lift the Arab coalition from the UN secretary general's report on children and armed conflict came after the UN Secretariat concluded that the information the report was based on were inaccurate and not objective.

The source reiterated that member states of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition in Yemen are fully committed to the international law and international humanitarian law, stressing that the main task of the coalition is to protect civilians, including children, the restoration of legitimacy, and providing humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people.

The source also pointed to the Arab coalition's efforts in supporting the ongoing peace talks in order to reach a political settlement in line with the Gulf initiative, the outputs of the national dialogue, and Security Council Resolution 2216.

Source :WAM