Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saadi is “shocked and outraged by the vicious brutality” shown towards his father and brother Mo’tassim and said it showed no one connected to the former government would receive a fair trial in Libya, Saadi’s lawyer said on Sunday. “Saadi Gaddafi is shocked and outraged by the vicious brutality which accompanied the murders of his father and brother. The contradictory statements issued by the NTC excusing these barbaric executions and the grotesque abuse of the corpses make it clear that no person affiliated with the former regime will receive a fair trial in Libya, nor will they receive justice for crimes committed against them,” lawyer Nick Kaufman said in an email sent to Reuters. Saadi is currently in Niger after escaping across the border when the capital Tripoli was captured by National Transitional Council forces in August. Libyan leaders have approved a request to open an investigation into Saadi over the murder of a footballer in 2005. The announcement of “liberation” on Sunday sets a clock ticking on a plan for a new government and constitutional assembly leading to full democracy in 2013. “We hope we will have an elected democratic government with broad participation,” student Ali Abu Shufa said. Gaddafi promoted tribalism to keep the country divided, he said. “But now Gaddafi is dead, all the tribes will be united.” Alarabiya .