Last seen of missing army helicopter

A search and rescue mission has been going on throughout dense forests in northern Thailand where an army helicopter was reportedly missing on Sunday.

The UH-72 Lakota utility helicopter lost contact with ground control since the mid-morning hours while en route to base over the forests of Chiang Mai province, about 900 kilometers north of Bangkok, said Third Army Region commander Lt Gen Somsak Nilbancherdkul.

Somsak denied earlier reports which said that the helicopter was found and all people aboard safe, adding that they are still looking for it, Thai media Post Today reported.

Aboard the UH-72 helicopter were Fourth Infantry Division commander Maj Gen Nopporn Ruenchand, two pilots and two mechanics, he said.

Maj Gen Nopporn was reportedly flying from Mae Hong Son province, west of Chiang Mai, to his division base in Pitsanulok province, southeast of Chiang Mai, when the helicopter's crew could not be reached by army communication gear.

The army pilots were known to have used the route over Indanon national park and nearby forest areas in Mae Jam district of Chiang Mai through which the search and rescue teams consisting of army soldiers, rangers and forestry personnel have combed in search of the missing aircraft.

Source : XINHUA