Security reinforcements have reached the Damietta villages of el-Ratma and Sheikh Dhorgham, 200 kilometres north of Cairo, in an attempt to halt the on-going bloodshed between the two villages which has been continuing since Saturday morning. Army forces also arrived to secure the entrances and exits of the two villages. Ten Central National Security people carriers are in the area, in addition to three armoured vehicles and four fire-engines. Six members of the security forces spread out in the area between el-Ratma and Skeikh Dhorgham have been injured in the clashes between the two villages. Violence started at 2:30 am Saturday morning as five residents of el-Ratma were injured in addition to an officer named Ali Fouad, who works in the Damietta Security Directorate. Major Essam el-Adawy of Damietta’s 2nd precinct told Arabstoday that \"Security will use firearms against attempts to foment disorder,” adding that they “will not await orders, especially after the injuries caused to the constables and one officer.”