Thomas Mair

Thomas Mair has been sentenced for life for the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. Jo was a passionate campaigner and activist, who worked tirelessly and spoke up for the disadvantaged.

Harun Khan, Secretary General of the MCB said, “Jo was a cherished member of our society. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jo Cox's family, her husband Brendan, and her two young children. We hope this sentencing brings closure to them, and I am sure her astounding legacy will continue to live on. 

I note that Sue Hemming, Head of special crime and counter-terrorism at the Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed that his crimes were “nothing less than acts of terrorism designed to advance his twisted ideology".  Terrorists come from all backgrounds, and no one particular community should bear all the brunt of blame for terrorism. These people may well be terrorists, but it may be more powerful to define these people as the criminals and murderers they are.

Extremism of all forms should be challenged if we ensure that no member of our society is left behind, demonised, or treated as lower class citizens. I hope we can continue to honour Jo Cox's memory and acknowledge that we have 'more in common' than what divides us".