Cairo – Akram Ali
The former presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq announced his intention to run in the next parliamentary elections (People\'s Assembly and Shura Council) in a new national political party. Shafiq said in a phone call with The Egyptian TV channel \"el-Mehwar\" that: \"A lot of parties existing in the political arena now are playing under the mantle of the ruling party which controls the fate of the rest of the parties and are considered part of the democracy game in Egypt.\" He dismissed rumours that he funded and founded the party as incorrect and said he would not head this party. The former presidential candidate commented on the current political situation saying: \"We have to deal with this situation strictly and I cannot declare my evaluation of the performance of president Morsi now.\" Ahmed Shafiq denied allegations of funding the August 24 demonstrations though he stressed they were a resounding success from his point of view. Shafiq announced he will return to Egypt at the earliest possible opportunity and vowed prosecutions against him will not stop him from coming back.