The Lebanese Sunni Salafist cleric, Sheikh Ahmed Assir said on Thursday he will hold weekly peaceful demonstrations around the country until Hezbollah surrenders its arms to the Lebanese army. Assir, who is the Imam of the Bilal Ibn Rabbah Mosque, mentioned to al-Anbaa newspaper that Hezbollah\'s involvement in the \"continuous slaughter of the Syrian people alongside regime forces has revealed its true face; that of terrorism against all freedom fighters in Lebanon, Syria and across the Arab world.\"                   Speaking to the Kuwaiti Daily, Assir stated that \"he would seek to further expose Hezbollah\'s Iranian based plots in the area,\" stressing that he would \"not stop until the entire Arab world knows the truth.\"                      \"I will turn Hassan Nasrallah\'s life into a living hell,\" Assir warned, adding that he will only do so peacefully. He called the Lebanese to join him on Sunday in downtown Beirut, where he plans to hold a big demonstration. He said that the Iranian regime has been the source of trouble in the Middle East, and it will hold the same fate as the Syrian regime. Assir, a strong critic of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Syrian President Bashar Assad, has organized multiple protests over the past year in a bid to increase support for the Syrian uprising and mount an offensive against Nasrallah for openly supporting Assad\'s regime. Last Saturday, he led a demonstration which brought together hundreds of anti-Assad Lebanese and Syrians who chanted slogans against Iran and leaders in Tehran and Damascus. Assir also refused to describe the reported shoot out against the Christian lawmaker MP Michel Aoun\'s convoy in Lebanon\'s Sidon as an assassination attempt.        \"One bullet shot towards a camouflaged convoy is not considered an assassination attempt,\" he said.       He said there is a relation between the \"anti-Salafist\" speech MP Michel Aoun delivered in the town of Jezzine on Saturday and the \"claims\" about an assassination attempt that followed.       Assir added that the car which received gunfire did not accompany Aoun\'s initial convoy and suggested that the whole incident took place out of Sidon, but Aoun wanted to \"make up\" a story which can justify his warnings against the Salafists in Lebanon and the entire region. He said this is Aoun\'s attempt to make his alliance with Hezbollah and the Syrian regime acceptable among Lebanon\'s Christians.