Slovak transport minister

Slovak Transport, Construction and Regional Development Minister Roman Brecely (Siet/Network) will resign from his post, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) announced it after a meeting of the Coalition Council on Friday.

Coalition partners Fico, Brecely, Bela Bugar (Most-Hid) and Parliamentary Chairman Andrej Danko from Slovak National Party have agreed on narrowing the coalition from a foursome to a threesome.

In addition, party Siet should be merged with one of the other coalition parties. The official statement of the four leaders reads that the new coalition arrangement will be more effective.

The governing coalition stated that it has 81 MPs that still support the Government Manifesto. After the departure of Siet MPs Andrej Hrnciar, Martin Fedor, Katarina Csefalvayova, Igor Janckulik and Eduard Adamcik from the party and their admission to the Most-Hid caucus, Siet was left with only two MPs -- Alena Basistova and Radoslav Prochazka.

Most-Hid party will demand the Transport Ministry as well as posts of state secretaries that are currently held by Siet members.

Source : XINHUA