Tunisian security forces

Tunisian security forces arrested, on Friday, a extremist element, governorate of Kairouan, over inciting for violence in the country.
The investigation showed that the suspect posted videoson his facebook account, to glorify ISIS organization and its operations, and to incite for extremism.

In the same day, the security forces arrest five suspects, in El Kef province, accusing of belonging to terrorist organization. The suspects confessed that they are using ISIS's websites to contact with its member, and they posted  group picture, carrying the black banner of the organization.

In the same context, the Court of First Instance, in Tunis, tried two young men over accusing of communicating with the extremist Noor el-Deen Shushan, and another person in Libya. The investigation confirmed that the defendants were inciting the youth in mosques to travel to Syria to join ISIS, after receiving training in Libya. While the two suspects denied the charges attributed to them.