Turkey builds concrete wall along Syria border after attacks.

The Turkish army is building a 3.6-meter-high concrete wall along the border with Syria to maintain security, Anadolu news agency reported Thursday.

Turkish Armed Forces units are erecting the modular walls along the Turkish-Syrian borderline between Suruc, Sanliurfa and Karkamis, Gaziantep.

A four-km leg of the concrete wall will be built on the west of the Mursitpinar border crossing in Suruc and a one-km section, east of Mursitpinar.

The report said the wall will help enhance border security with barbed wire and watchtowers against the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), citing the district governor of Suruc in the southeastern Sanliurfa province.

Meanwhile, Turkey's army continued to dispatch troops on the border with Syria in its ongoing support for the military operation on Thursday.

Eight tanks and two armored personnel carriers, already stationed at a military base near the town of Qarqamish, Gaziantep, were dispatched to Turkyurdu, a town near the border.

Turkey shares a 900-kilometer border with Syria, which has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011.

Turkish army launched a cross-border Euphrates Shield operation on Aug. 24, along with the U.S.-led coalition in Syria's northern border town of Jarablus to clear the IS.

Source : XINHUA