
Turkey played an "active role" in the fight against ISIS group. He added the country would continue to support operations against the group, Anadolu News Agency (AA) quoted Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu as saying. 
Speaking at a press conference with his Lithuanian counterpart Linas Linkevicius held here on Monday, Cavusoglu said Turkey played an "active role" in the fight against ISIS group. He added that his country would continue to support operations against the group. 
Turkey was always ISIS group's first target, he said, noting that it deported about 4,000 people for terror links and barred 55,000 people from entering the country. 
"Turkey prevented instability after the July 15 coup attempt, which could have affected Europe, Cavusoglu said . 
"Actually, by stopping the coup attempt, Turkish people prevented instability that could have affected Europe," he explained. 
For his part, the Lithuanian foreign minister, "We have to really rebuild a constructive dialogue, which was not present lately. We have to be more forward leaning and engaged to understand the situation better, AA reported. 
"So all those guilty, those who committed crime against the state and the democracy, they have to be prosecuted, have to be trialed in a fair way." Linkevicius said Turkey was a key European partner, trade partner and NATO ally. 
He said he trusted Turkish authorities would adhere to fundamentals of freedom and human rights. "It is very important and essential during these difficult times. We do trust our ally to do these in a fair way," he added.

Source : XINHUA