US-led coalition announces liberation of Syria's Raqqa

The US-led coalition against Daesh said Friday that the capture of Daesh’s onetime Syria capital of Raqqa marked a turning point in the fight against the extremist group, effectively declaring an end to the military operation there.

A US backed force known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, has been clearing the final pockets of the resistance in the city since declaring victory over Daesh on Tuesday.

Daesh's loss of Mosul and now Raqqah are turning points for the terrorist organization whose leaders grow ever more distant from a dwindling number of terrorist adherents, said the coalition in a statement.

The battle for Raqqa began in June, with the SDF advancing on foot as US-led coalition airstrikes pummeled Daesh positions from above.

"They fought tenaciously and with courage against an unprincipled enemy, taking great care to move the population trapped by Daesh away from the battle area and minimize civilian casualties," said Brig. Gen. Jonathan Braga, the coalition’s director of operations.

Source: MENA