Baghdad – Jaafar Nassrawi
The Sadrist movement leader in Iraq said US still has control, albeit subtle, of the Iraqi regime. Muqtada al-Sadr said: “The US government still controls most of the organisations in Iraq and influences most of the decisions.” “The US invasion on Iraq has had a negative effect on its citizens. They have control over government decision making, prison detention centres and even influence intelligence procedures.” He criticised the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki saying he needed to share in the decision-making to facilitate a truly democratic government and move away from a “dictatorship”. He said the president, Jalal Talabani promised to solve the political situation in the country and create a unified government but added, “I don’t think he can do it.” On April 5, President Talabani held a meeting with all members of political party aimed to bridge political differences in the country.