North Sinai –Yousry Mohamed
Violence is escalating in Sharm el-Sheikh since Sunday evening after two Bedouins were killed by Egyptian police. The two individuals were trying to escape a security checkpoint when the police opened fire on them. A Bedouin protest followed the events, where a police car was set on fire. Protesters blocked the roads with burning, assaulted some police officers and stole one of their weapons, according to official security sources. The sources said that high security measures were taken after the protest of the Bedouins protested and after a police car was set on fire. Moreover, the roads were cut through setting fire to rubber tires, a police recruit was assaulted, and his automatic weapon was taken to revenge for the killing of the two Bedouins. The sources added that the two Bedouins refused to stop for a vehicle inspection at a check point and opened fire on the police officers, which is why the police shot them.