Egypt\'s peace treaty with Israel does not require any amendment, Egypt\'s presidential spokesperson Yasser Ali wrote Wednesday on Tweeter. \"Egypt has the ability to control the Sinai Peninsula and restore security in its territory\" he added. \"Security operations were still ongoing against militants in the region, he said, and they would continue until their goals are achieved.\" Those tweets come amid intense public scrutiny into Egypt\'s battle against militants in the Sinai Peninsula. The army launched \"Operation Eagle\" after militants killed 16 Egyptian border guards near the border with Gaza\'s Rafah in August. The Camp David peace treaty limits the presence of Egyptian troops and artillery in much of peninsula. Ali\'s tweets were made whilst Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was attending the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. They also came after presidential advisor Mohammed Esmat Seif el-Dawla called for amendments to the treaty. Ali said el-Dawla\'s comments did not reflect those of the president, whose views would be announced in person or via an official spokesperson.