Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Hadi Mansour

Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said that his internationally-recognized government controls 85 percent of the Yemeni territories, while the Houthi group controls 15 percent, warning that the country faces one of the most complicated humanitarian disasters due to the spread of diseases and epidemics and famine.
The Yemeni president added that the world should work together to end the current phase to pave the way for rebuilding the Yemeni governorates and to push forward the Yemeni government to implement the plans aiming to achieve economic growth in the areas under its control.
He added, “It is frustrating to attend this summit, while my country still suffers from the conflicts that came as a result of the coalition between Houthis and other parties that work against the aspirations of the Yemeni people. They managed to undermine the peaceful transition of power and pushed the country in the circle of civil war.”