Ten ASEAN delegations will attend the Second ASEAN

 Ten ASEAN delegations will attend the Second ASEAN Chief Military Medicine Conference (ACMMC) to be held at Borobudur hotel here next Tuesday, a military spokesman said.

Spokesman of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Col Minulyo Suprapto said here on Sunday that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations` chief military medicine conference would be opened by TNI Chief Admiral Agus Suhartono.

The ten delegations which will attend the conference will come from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Camboja and Indonesia.

The ACMMC is an annual meeting organized and hosted on a rotational basis of the ASEAN member states. The first ACMMC was held in Hanoi, Vietnam at the end of May 2011.

It was held as a follow up to the 7th ASEAN Chiefs of Defense Forces Informal Meeting (ACDFIM) in Hanoi, Vietnam, in March 2010.

The Second ACMMC in Jakarta is to be held to follow up a decision of the 8th ACDFIM meeting in Vietnam, March - April 2011.

The forum aims to increase military cooperation in the health sector among ASEAN members, particularly in health areas where bilateral or multilateral cooperation is most likely to be organized.

Source: ANTARA