Kabul - Xinhua
Afghan security forces, backed by NATO-led Coalition forces, have eliminated 11 insurgents and detained 16 others in different provinces over the past 24 hours, Afghan Interior Ministry said on Monday. \"Afghan National Police (ANP) in collaboration with Afghan National Army (ANA) and Coalition Forces launched six joint operations in surrounding areas of the Kunar, Kandahar, Wardak, Logar, Helmand and Khost provinces, killing 11 armed insurgents and arresting 16 other suspected insurgents,\" the ministry said in a statement, providing daily operational updates. Separately, the ANP have also arrested a senior commander of the insurgents named Mullah Ahmad Shah in Shindand District of western Herat province in the same period of time, the statement added. A handful of weapons and ammunition were also found and seized by joint forces, it said. Afghan officials often use the word \"insurgents\" referring to the Taliban militants. The insurgent group, who has stepped up their attacks on Afghan troops and about 130,000 NATO-led Coalition troops stationed in the country since a spring rebel offensive was launched in May this year in the country. It has yet to make any comment.