Half of this year’s Moroccan Hajj pilgrims

 Half of this year’s Moroccan Hajj pilgrims have left Mina to Mecca, in good conditions, to perform the Tawaf Al-Wada farewell circumambulation, reports Mohamed Laaraj, the Moroccan Minister of Culture and Communication.

Laaraj, who chaired the Moroccan official delegation for the 2017 Hajj season, added that the other Moroccan pilgrims, who are in no hurry, are still in Mina to continue “the Stoning of the Devil” ritual, reported Maghreb Arab Press (MAP).

Called Twaf Al-Wadaa or Tawaf As-Sadr in Arabic, this ritual marks the end of the pilgrimage and is the last rite performed by non-resident pilgrims heading back home from Mecca.

The Moroccan minister added that 32,000 Moroccan pilgrimage-goers have completed the Stoning of the Devil ritual under comfortable conditions.

Laaraj pointed out that Morocco’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs and two medical staffs are in continuous contact with the Moroccan pilgrims in order to closely monitor their conditions of stay and residence in Mina.

“No major security concerns were reported,” he added.

The minister also praised the quality of the services provided by the Saudi authorities to the pilgrims, noting “the excellent organization of the 2017 Hajj season.”

Over 2 million Muslims landed in Saudi Arabia in order to perform Hajj rituals this year. After the Tawaf Al-Wada ritual, non-resident pilgrims prepare either to go Al Madinah or go home.

The Saudi authorities mobilized more than 100,000 law enforcement officers in order to ensure a safe and secure Hajj season.
