
Somalia's military court on Monday executed four Al-Shabaab suspects for carrying out attacks in the town of Baidoa, the administrative capital of southwest state in Somalia.
Court officials said the militants were found guilty of being behind twin attacks at a restaurant and a market in Baidoa town on February 28, 2016 where 80 people were killed and 45 others injured.
"The court carried out death penalties to four Al-Shabaab militants who organized and performed twin terrorist attacks in Baidoa town last year that left 80 people dead and 45 others injured," Deputy prosecutor Mumin Hussein Abdulahi told reporters.
Those executed by firing squad are Hassan Aden Mursal, 23, Abdiladhif Moalim Aden, 34, Siyad Hassan Farah, 41, and Sharmad Awow Mohamed, 39.
Somali government's military court often carries out death penalties against Al-Shabaab militants and some soldiers.
Southwest State in Somalia is battling Al-Shabaab militants in three key regions of Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions where the group seems to be active and isolated some towns from the rest of the other major cities in the country.

Source: Xinhua