US actor Alec Baldwin, star of the hit TV show \"30 Rock,\" was the latest celebrity to visit the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, and he urged them to find some goals. \"OWS needs to coalesce around some legislative policy. The \'occupy\' strategy may be an effective one. But what can each entity agree on?\" Baldwin asked on his popular Twitter page, after his two-hour visit with the demonstrators in downtown Manhattan. \"If OWS sparks calls 4 #campaignfinancereform, that would be 1 measure of success,\" the movie veteran added, referring to the push to reform the financing of multi-million-dollar election campaigns that opponents say brings too much corporation cash into politics. Baldwin however clashed with some of the Occupy Wall Street who had asked him to denounce the US central bank, the Federal Reserve. \"Capitalism is worthwhile,\" he said, in a comment likely to jibe with protesters seeking to overhaul the capitalist system as it stands. Since occupation of Zuccotti Park near Wall Street on September 17, several celebrities have stopped by to lend support, including actors Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, rapper Kanye West, civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson, and director Michael Moore.