State Minister for Interior Talal Chaudhary.

State Minister for Interior Talal Chaudhary on Wednesday informed the Senate that model anti riot force was being set up in the Capital on modern lines to tackle any untoward situation.
Winding up discussion on an admitted adjournment motion moved by Farhatullah Babar and others regarding the situation arising out of the manner in which the recent sit-in at Faizabad was called off, the minister said process had already been started to establish the anti riot force. The new forces would be fully equipped with all modern gadgets available with other riot forces of the world, he said.
The minister admitted that currently we have no anti riot force and police force had no such latest technology to cope with the protesters of Faizabad sit-in.
The minister stressed the need to end sit-in and protest culture in the federal capital. “There should be permanent solution to road blockage and sit in,” he said.
He said a few hundred people could not be allowed to take law into their hands.
He sought the help of the parliament to do legislation in this regard to end the sit-in culture.
Talal said the election reforms bill was jointly framed by the parliament but no political party supported the government over the Faizabad sit-in issue.
He said action was taken against the protesters on the order of Islamabad High Court. There was information that the protesters had weapons but the court had ordered to disperse them through unarmed policemen.
The minister said 27 cases were registered during the sit-in and 418 protesters weld held. Some four vehicles including police prison van and 13 motor bikes were set ablaze by the protesters, he added.
He said as many as 215 people were injured including 38 civilian, one ranger officials and over 100 police and FC personnel during the operation against the protesters.
The minister said constable of Islamabad police Israr had lost his one eye during the operation and initially the Interior minister had handed over a checque of Rs 500,000 to him for treatment. A board comprising of senior doctors had also been constituted to examine the constable and if the board recommended, he (the constable) would be sent abroad for treatment, he said.
The minister said the agreement signed with the protesters was being criticized despite the fact that the Election Reform Bill was jointly prepared by all the political parties. However, he said it was signed in larger interest of the country.
The minister said the protesters did not keep their promise and cheated the government. The protesters had assured that they would not block the road and return only after registering their protest at Islamabad.
Responding to a point raised by the chairman senate, the minister said a missing person Raz Muhammad had returned to his home.
To another point, the minister said a comprehensive policy was devised to register international NGOs and only registered NGOs were allowed to work.

Source: APP