Ban Ki-moon

Visiting Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon will meet with ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan here on Tuesday to discuss the latest regional and international concerns.

According to a press release from the ASEAN Secretariat General`s office received by ANTARA News, the two leaders met over breakfast with their staffs. 

During the Tuesday meeting, Ban said he will be visiting Myanmar after the April by-elections in the country. Both Ban and Surin agreed that changes are underway in Myanmar, and both expressed optimism that all stake holders are in agreement about the need to improve the standard of living of the population.

"I am very much encouraged by my meeting with President Thien Sein, and I am glad to see that he has kept his word," added Ban, noting that some countries are now considering the lifting of sanctions.

Those at the meeting also discussed Timor Leste`s proposal to become a member of ASEAN, with Surin describing Timor Leste as a "robust democracy" and said ASEAN member states are seriously studying Timor Leste`s application to join ASEAN. 

During the Tuesday meeting the two leaders also spoke of the latest information on the Cambodia-Thailand border dispute, as well as progress on the ASEAN Initiative on establishing the Institute of Peace and Reconciliation in which the UN would offer assistance, expertise, experience and best practices in preventive diplomacy, which is a priority on the UN agenda.

Noting the positive exchanges between the two secretariats since the ASEAN Summit in Bali in 2011, both leaders agreed to explore further cooperation.

"There are many areas where we can--and should--exchange ideas and tap each other`s experiences in tackling issues," said Surin, agreeing that the two Secretaries General would meet again on the sidelines of the UN meetings in June and September in New York.

Source: ANTARA