Assembly Speaker Calls for Lifting US Sanctions imposed on Sudan

The National Assembly Speaker, Prof. Ibrahim Amed Omer has called on the US Administration to lift Sudan's name from the list of the countries sponsoring terrorism, adding the Sudan is fully cooperate in the field of counter-terrorism .
Prof. Omer has outlined, in a meeting with the US media men organized by the Information Attaché of the Sudan's embassy, in Washington, that the related reports indicated that Sudan showed full cooperation concerning combatting terrorism, a matter that, qualified the country to contribute to realization of stability in the region.
On his US visit, Prof. Omer said he held talks with the US Congressmen which affirmed the desire for joint cooperation for the interest of the people of the two countries .
He said the talks, also covered the current political developments in the country including the implementation of outcomes of the National Dialogue and the constitutional amendments which approved by the parliament .
Meanwhile, some of the US journalists have indicated that the lifting of the US sanctions imposed on Sudan and lifting its name from the list of the countries sponsoring terrorism will strengthen political, economic and parliamentary relations between Sudan and the US .
Prof. Omer started, last Monday, several day US visit during which he met the US Congressmen and the Sudanese community .

Source : SUNA