Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop.

Vanuatu and Australia have signed an aid partnership agreement and reaffirmed strong ties between the two nations, local newspaper the Vanuatu Daily Post reported Friday.

The Australia-Vanuatu Aid Partnership Agreement 2016-2019 was signed Thursday by Vanuatuan Prime Minister Charlot Salwai and Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop.

Bishop led a high-level Australian delegation comprising the minister of international development and the Pacific as well as two senators from the Australian Opposition on a three-day visit to three Pacific nations including Vanuatu.

"We have agreed on the priorities for the next three years. We will be focusing our funding and programs and efforts on infrastructure to promote and drive economic growth," Bishop said, adding that it will also "focus on health and education outcomes, longstanding pillars on Australian Aid program in Vanuatu as well as community safety and resilience."

In response, Salwai acknowledged Australia's continuous support and reaffirmed the strong bilateral ties, said the report.

source: Xinhua