Australian Greens leader Bob Brown on Friday promised to behave himself when U.S. President Barack Obama addresses federal parliament during his visit to Australia in November. Senator Brown heckled former U.S. President George W. Bush when he addressed federal parliament in 2003, resulting in his suspension from parliament for 24 hours. On Friday, Senator Brown said he was looking forward to meeting Obama in Canberra. \"I\'ve made it clear to the ambassador and everybody else involved, we certainly will be welcoming Barack Obama to the country and he\'ll have an enjoyable trip here,\" he told reporters in Melbourne. Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Thursday confirmed that Obama had accepted her invitation to address a joint sitting in parliament of Canberra on November 17 during his two-day visit to Australia. Obama\'s plans to visit Australia last year were canceled twice because of his plans to overhaul the healthcare system, and a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.