The current CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways, Christian Kern

The current CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways, Christian Kern, was on Friday confirmed by the Social Democrats (SPOe) party as the next chancellor of Austria.

The news comes as little surprise, Kern having been tipped by political pundits and the media as the hot favourite to take on the role of both chancellor and leader of the centre-left party in the wake of the surprise resignation of former leader Werner Faymann on Monday.

Mayor of Vienna Michael Haeupl, who took over as interim leader of the SPOe following Faymann's departure, said Friday the decision for Kern to step up as leader is now final, with the official party decision to be made on Tuesday as a formality, the Krone newspaper reported.

Haeupl would not comment on whether there would be any reshuffling of ministers in the federal cabinet, though did note that Kern would be free to choose his own team.

He also stressed that within the SPOe "everyone must pull together," so that the various factions in the party are all going "in the same direction."

Haeupl also softened his stance on a possible cooperation with the far-right Freedom Party, who is seen to be growing in ascendancy, saying if the party meets a "criteria list," cooperation with the SPOe could not be ruled out.

Source: XINHUA