The Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes the report issued by the United Nations which unequivocally clarified the negative interference and hostile practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Yemen, which aims at prolonging the crisis and obstructing the efforts to reach peace, as well as providing Houthi militias with dangerous rockets that pose great risks to the lives of the brotherly Yemeni people and threaten the security of sea lanes and peace in the entire region.

The Kingdom of Bahrain commends the position of the United States, which rejects Iran's activities and supports terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and others in clear violation of international resolutions and norms, including Security Council resolutions 1559, 1701, 2231 and 2216.

The Kingdom of Bahrain stresses the need to hold Iran accountable for its violation, especially in support of terrorism and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the region. The Kingdom of Bahrain reiterates its strong condemnation of Iran's constant interference in internal affairs, documented by clear evidence that Iran supports terrorism, trains terrorists, smuggles weapons and explosives, and establishes terrorist groups in the Kingdom of Bahrain funded and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Lebanese Hezbollah.

This completely contradicts the principle of good-neighborliness and non-interference in the internal affairs affirmed by the Charter of the United Nations and international law. The Kingdom of Bahrain reiterates its firm position that affirms the need to reach a comprehensive political solution that eliminates all forms of external interference in the Republic of Yemen and preserves the capabilities of its brotherly people, in order to put an end to its suffering in accordance with the Gulf Initiative and its implementing mechanism, the outputs of the national dialogue and Security Council resolution 2216. The Kingdom of Bahrain expresses its support for the efforts of the UN’s Envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, which aims at finding a political solution according to these references.

Source: BNA