Belgium\'s incoming ambassador to Tehran in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi expressed the hope that the two states\' relations would experience a leap in the near future.During the meeting in Tehran on Monday, the Belgian ambassador submitted a copy of his credentials to the Iranian foreign minister, and praised Tehran-Brussels\' age-old relations. He further expressed the hope that Iran and Belgium would \"witness a jump in their bilateral relations through the Iranian official\'s supports and cooperation\". The Iranian foreign minister, for his part, welcomed the envoy to Tehran, and hoped that the two nations\' relations would witness a further deepening and development during his term. He also noted Iran and Belgium\'s influential role in the Middle-East and Europe, respectively, and said, \"Despite certain differences in views, there are vast grounds and capacities for cooperation between Iran and Europe, including Belgium, in the different sectors.\" Salehi further hoped that a better understanding of Iran\'s realities and a correct position-taking on Iran by the opposite side would help deepen and expand Tehran-Brussels\' relations and cooperation.