Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, welcomed on Thursday visiting Foreign Minister of the Maldives, Dr. Mohamed

Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, welcomed on Thursday visiting Foreign Minister of the Maldives, Dr. Mohamed Asim, who visited him in the company of the Honorable Consul of the Maldives in Lebanon, Mohamed Fakih. Talks reportedly touched on the best means to bolster Lebanese-Maldivian bilateral relations, as well as the possibility of boosting parliamentary cooperation.

Later on Thursday, Berri welcomed at Ein Teeneh Member of Parliament, Boutros Harb.

"Discussions touched on the post-adoption of the budget and the issues that had been raised during the budget session. All the question marks render the decisions of the state authority and the government suspicious," Harb said.

He added that the aforementioned suspicions signified the presence of devious deals and corruption. He also pointed to the possibility of having those in power cover-up for corruption acts practiced by influential figures who could benefit from their positions and become rich at the expense of the Lebanese people.

"I would soon launch an anti-corruption campaign through a number of laws that I would propose, starting with a bill to prevent the appointment of individual judges. I am hoping that the House of Parliament will understand the background of this proposal. I am also preparing to propose a bill to amend the Public Accountability Law to prevent any transaction of more than LBP 100 million," he added

Source: NNA