Tehran - Fars
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that no one can blackmail Iran.Addressing a large number of Iranian people in the Western city of Paveh in Kurdistan province, Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the unity among Iranian Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and noted that unity is a heavy blow to those who hatch plots and conspiracies against the Iranian nation. The Leader said unity conveys this message to the enemies that \"Iran is not a place for their divisive plots\". \"Similar to the past, the united nation of Iran and state authorities will not be blackmailed in future and will not retreat even for a single step in the face of any pressure,\" Ayatollah Khamenei stated. Stressing that the two Muslim faiths enjoy deep and numerous commonalities in their Islamic beliefs, the Leader cautioned that sowing discord among Shiites and Sunnis both in Iran and other world countries is the \"strategic line\" of the alien enemies. After popular uprisings in the region led to the overthrow of the US-backed regimes in the region, Iranian officials condemned the attempts made by the western countries to prevent the spread of the current uprisings and revolutions to the other regional nations, and cautioned that enemies are seeking to sow discord between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims to the same end. The Iranian officials have also called for the creation of a united front by the Shiite and Sunni Muslims against the hegemony of the US and other expansionist powers, and stated that the West\'s global strategies will soon be defeated by the current wave of \"Islamic awakening\" prevailing throughout the Middle-East and North Africa.