
The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, MME, yesterday announced that the Brazilian Government has decided to begin the process of joining the Abu Dhabi-based International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, the Agencia do Noticias Brasil-Arabe, ANBA, has reported.

According to the ministry, the decision was taken on Wednesday by the Interministerial Commission on Participation in International Agencies.

"Brazil is one of the best examples of the substantial representation of renewable energies in both electric energy grids, and I’m convinced that we can contribute a lot to the agency and its member countries," the Brazilian Mines and Energy Minister, Fernando Coelho Filho, said. "As a member country, we will be able to participate more actively of the debate on relevant issues of the international energy agenda, as well as benefit of the tools and initiatives developed by IRENA."

The 8th IRENA Assembly was held last weekend in the UAE’s capital, and, according to the ministry, was attended by the president of Brazilian company EPE Energy Research Company, Luiz Barroso.

"Brazil is a pioneer in a series of policies for the insertion of renewable energies that became, afterwards, a reference to many countries. Its participation in IRENA will put the country in the world’s elite regarding this new wave of discussion, exporting and importing the best knowledge on the issue," said Luiz Barroso, according to a ministry statement.

The Brazilian Ministry was reported by ANBA to believe that Brazil’s membership of IRENA could encourage cooperation with countries wishing to develop, especially, bioenergy, given the Brazilian know-how in the production and use of ethanol, biodiesel and biomass. Brazil itself, ANBA said, could benefit from international experiences with solar and wind energy.