Dubai Police

Three British men jailed in Dubai for drug offences have been pardoned and freed from jail.
Grant Cameron has already returned to the UK. His friends Suneet Jeerh and Karl Williams are expected to do so soon.
They were released as part of the traditional amnesty announced by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to mark the beginning of Ramadan.
The three men, all from London and in their mid-20s, were on holiday in Dubai last July when they were detained by police at Dubai Marina in possession of a synthetic form of cannabis called spice.
In court the men admitted consuming the drug but said they did so while outside the UAE and it must have remained in their system. They were sentenced in April to four years in prison, and an appeals court in June upheld the verdicts.
The three men claimed they had been tortured by police after they were arrested.
An internal investigation by Dubai Police found no evidence of wrongdoing.
No one from Dubai Courts could be contacted yesterday for comment.

Source: The National