London - Xinhua
Britain\'s Home Secretary Theresa May Thursday announced plans for curfews in riot areas to combat any future outbreaks similar to the London riots in August. Police powers needed to be strengthened in the wake of the August riots, allowing police to immediately curfew areas and empowering them to clear people off the streets, said May. The home secretary\'s move came on the same day that the English judiciary announced tougher sentencing for burglars, in response to the August riots. The Sentencing Council for England and Wales codifies sentences for criminal courts, to ensure similar sentencing in different area. The council also Thursday toughened its maximum sentences for burglary from four years to nine years if a weapon was used, and from four-and-half months to just under a year for burgling a shop or business. Meanwhile, James Brokenshire, minister for crime and security also echoed May\'s argument, saying \"we must ensure officers on the ground have all the necessary legal measures available to them to protect our streets and keep the public safe.\"