Burundian Police Spokesman Pierre Nkurikiye

The head of Nyabagere neighborhood in the north of the Burundian capital Bujumbura narrowly escaped death after two grenades were Friday night blasted in his compound, polices sources said Saturday.

"The grenade attacks happened around 20:30 (18:30 GMT) when Nyabagere neighborhood chief had just entered his compound. Two grenades were blasted by unidentified persons who were standing near the gate of the compound, but no human casualties took place," said Burundian Police Spokesman Pierre Nkurikiye.

According to him, the two grenade explosions damaged glasses of the windows of the house belonging to Celestin Nahimana, chief of Nyabagere neighborhood.

Nkurikiye indicated that one suspect has been arrested over his alleged involvement in the grenade attacks against the local administration authority.

Friday night's attack against the house of the chief of Nyabagere neighborhood is second.

In October 2015, his house was also the target of unidentified people who blasted two grenades without causing casualty.

Burundi is facing a political turmoil that broke out since April 2015 following the announcement by Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza that he would be seeking a third term.

His candidature, which was opposed by the opposition and civil society groups, resulted into a wave of protests, violence and even a failed coup on May 13, 2015.

Over 400 persons are reported to have been killed since then while some 240,000 citizens sought exile in neighboring countries.

Source: XINHUA