Carter tells AP more US troops will not fix Iraq or Syria

Defense Secretary Ash Carter tells the Associated Press that sending thousands more American troops into Iraq or Syria to accelerate the defeat of the Daesh group would push US allies to the exits, create more anti-US resistance and give up the US military’s key advantages.
Carter says he favors looking for ways to speed up the counter-IS campaign, which administration critics have called slow-footed and overly cautious. President-elect Donald Trump is among those critics.
The outgoing defense secretary outlined numerous reasons why he believes strongly in the current approach of letting local Iraqi and Syrian forces set the pace.
Carter says the US would be acting alone and would risk turning those currently resisting IS against us, and “that would increase the strength of the enemy.”

Defense Secretary Ash Carter tells the Associated Press that sending thousands more American troops into Iraq or Syria to accelerate the defeat of the Daesh group would push US allies to the exits, create more anti-US resistance and give up the US military’s key advantages.
Carter says he favors looking for ways to speed up the counter-IS campaign, which administration critics have called slow-footed and overly cautious. President-elect Donald Trump is among those critics.
The outgoing defense secretary outlined numerous reasons why he believes strongly in the current approach of letting local Iraqi and Syrian forces set the pace.
Carter says the US would be acting alone and would risk turning those currently resisting IS against us, and “that would increase the strength of the enemy.”

Defense Secretary Ash Carter tells the Associated Press that sending thousands more American troops into Iraq or Syria to accelerate the defeat of the Daesh group would push US allies to the exits, create more anti-US resistance and give up the US military’s key advantages.
Carter says he favors looking for ways to speed up the counter-IS campaign, which administration critics have called slow-footed and overly cautious. President-elect Donald Trump is among those critics.
The outgoing defense secretary outlined numerous reasons why he believes strongly in the current approach of letting local Iraqi and Syrian forces set the pace.
Carter says the US would be acting alone and would risk turning those currently resisting IS against us, and “that would increase the strength of the enemy.”

Source : Arab News