The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae released a detailed schedule history of President Moon Jae-in Monday,

The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae released a detailed schedule history of President Moon Jae-in Monday, promising to do so each week as part of efforts to enhance the transparency of the top elected office.

The released schedule includes the president's official and unofficial meetings with government and presidential offices.

"The move is to include the schedules that have been held behind closed doors due to their sensitivity in the list of schedules to be released. Only, they will be revealed in weekly, ex post facto releases due to security concerns," Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Park Soo-hyun said in a statement.

The president's personal schedule will not be subject to release. Also, the identities of people or officials involved in closed-door meetings will be withheld.

For instance, on Friday the president received a daily report from the office of a presidential secretary at 9:16 a.m., and he then received a report on current issues from the office of another unspecified presidential secretary at 9:40 a.m.

The release of such a detailed presidential daily schedule is aimed at enhancing the transparency of the presidential office.

"It is designed to show the people how the president is working to fulfill his presidential duties," a Cheong Wa Dae official said while speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Source : Yonhap