New York - Qna
China supported the United Nations to conduct necessary and reasonable reforms in the light of the changing international situations, a senior Chinese diplomat to the UN said. Speaking at a plenary meeting of the General Assembly which reviewed the UN secretary-general''s report on the work of the organization, Wang Min, Chinese deputy permanent representative to the UN, said that China supports the necessary and reasonable reforms of the UN in order to increase its authority and efficiency, strengthen its ability to address new challenges and threats as well as better implement obligations entrusted by the UN Charter, according to Chinese news agency (Xinhua). The UN reform should be all-dimensional and multi-sectoral, especially produce positive results in the area of development, provide necessary guarantee in mechanism and resources for development in realizing Millennium Development Goals and truly benefit the vast majority of developing countries, Wang said. China called on the international community to adopt idea of common development, take positive and effective measures of coordination to stabilize prices of bulk commodity, prevent excessive speculation and safeguard the food security in the world.