Chinese Embassy in Riyadh

China is ready to help resolve issues between the Kingdom and Iran, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday.
“We hope Saudi Arabia and Iran can resolve the problems that exist between them via equal and friendly consultations,” Wang said. “China is friends with both Saudi Arabia and Iran. If there is a need, China is willing to play our necessary role.”
A Chinese Embassy official said the matter would most likely be discussed during the upcoming visit of King Salman to Beijing.
Wang said: “Once again the situation in the Middle East has reached a crucial crossroads, with both risks of growing instability and the promise of peace.”
He added: “To nudge the regional situation in the right direction, three things are of crucial importance. First, we need to maintain the important consensus on fighting terrorism. Second, we need to adhere to the right goal of seeking a political settlement of regional issues. And third, we must put the UN in the driver's seat of the Middle East peace process.”
The Iran nuclear deal “is a fine example of settling disputes by political and diplomatic means. The relevant parties should all honor their commitments, fulfill their obligations and effectively implement that agreement,” Wang said.
Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said: “Peace may be delayed, but justice cannot be denied. China firmly supports the two-state solution, and will continue to do what we can to help restart peace talks.”

Source: Arab News