Chief Minister Punjab, Shehbaz Sharif .

China will play a central role in shaping the course of the 21st century under the leadership President Xi Jinping. More and more people are calling it the Asian century. As “buddies” and partners, we are eager to learn from our great Chinese friends for progress and prosperity, according to an article of Chief Minister Punjab, Shehbaz Sharif placed at the China National Radio website on Monday.
The just concluded 19-CPC Congress is an epoch-making event that will be recorded in the annals of history. With “Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” was written into the party constitution, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, left a strong impression in the history of China’s development.
Xi Jinping realized that the widening gap between the rich and the poor in society and the impact of environmental pollution on China’s sustainable development. Therefore, he emphasized the transformation of growth mode and promotion of balanced economic growth.
He also called for imasgproving the global economic governance system and establishing a governance model that is fair, just and reflects the present reality.
The “One Belt and One Road” initiative proposed by Xi Jinping closely took the pulse of the times and took a big step toward promoting openness, tolerance, peace and mutual learning. To date, the Belt and Road Initiative has received the support of some 100 countries and many international organizations including the United Nations. This is an epic future vision that will promote the establishment of a mutually beneficial and win-win partnership in Asia, Africa and Europe that will benefit the world’s billions of people.
Against the background of the current global political and economic structural changes, China’s peaceful rise has relieved those who fear that the far-right political forces may pose a potential threat to globalization.
In some parts of the world, “political nationalism” has become the new normal and challenges globalization. Xi Jinping issued a strong voice to express the vision and expectations of developing countries.
He advocated multilateral solutions to global issues within the UN framework.
In January this year, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, resolutely safeguarding globalization.
He called for promoting South-South cooperation, North-South dialogue and cooperation and arousing strong resonance among the international community.
What impresses me most is the “Chinese Dream” elaborated by Xi Jinping. He emphasized that “the Chinese dream” not only needs to improve the living standards of the Chinese people, but also aims to make the lives of other countries better off.
He proposed the “One Belt and One Road” initiative and the expansion of the economic corridor between China and Pakistan. These are all extensions of the “China Dream,” aimed at promoting shared prosperity and creating an international community that shares the future.
We, the Pakistani people, regard China as the “iron man” and “our friend around the clock.” The extraordinary achievements made by China inspire and inspire us. In many ways, China will continue to set an example for Pakistan. The rise of China deserves Pakistan’s study and reference.
First, China has created a miracle that has brought 800 million people out of poverty since the reform and opening up. Over 60 million people have escaped poverty in the past five years. Second, China is the only country that has enjoyed more than 9% annual GDP growth over 30 years. That is why China can achieve such a huge result in its ability to lift itself out of poverty. Third, China’s diplomatic model is very inspiring and worth learning for Pakistan. Fourth, the world today faces multiple challenges and conflicts. Pakistan welcomes the peaceful rise of China as the source of global stability.
Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, China will play a central role in shaping the course of the 21st century. More and more people are calling it the Asian century in the 21st century. As “buddies” and partners, we are eager to learn from our great Chinese friends for progress and prosperity.

Source: APP