General Police Badrodin Haiti

Certain prerequisites should be part of the presidents discourse on granting amnesty to the Din Minimi-led armed rebel group in the Indonesian Province of Aceh, according to National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti.

"Legal aspects need to be taken into account while granting amnesty. We should examine whether all the existing requirements are met (for granting amnesty)," he pointed out here on Friday.

The National police are still listing and verifying the cases of crimes committed by the Din Minimi group.

President Joko Widodo is now contemplating to grant amnesty to Nurdin Ismail alias Din Minimi and his group who had surrendered on December 28, 2015, after holding a dialog with State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Chief Sutiyoso.

In accordance with the Constitution of 1945, the president, as the head of state, has the right to grant amnesty to people who have committed crimes, but the notion of the House of Representatives (DPR) should be considered during the process.

The president could grant amnesty after receiving a written advice from the Supreme Court based on a request from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

President Widodo stated that the government would grant amnesty to the members of the Din Minimi group after a specified process is completed.
Source: ANTARA