Israeli Minister Danny Danon

Israeli Minister of Science, Technology and Space Danny Danon has been appointed as Israel's next ambassador to the UN, replacing Ron Prosor, Yedioth Ahronoth quoted the Israeli government as saying on Friday.

The 44-year-old Danon will arrive in New York during one of the most challenging times for Israel diplomatically - amid strained ties with the United States and various peace initiatives arising as a result of the freeze in negotiations with the Palestinians.

In the previous term, Danon served as the deputy defense minister until he was fired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during Operation Protective Edge after he criticized the fact the ground operation did not begin sooner.

"Minister Danon accepted the important challenge I posed to him," Netanyahu said in a statement. "The United Nations is an important stage at this time and I am convinced Danny will fight with all of his strength to present the truth in the international arena."