The head of the largest city police department in the United States has joined a growing list of people calling

The head of the largest city police department in the United States has joined a growing list of people calling Donald Trump unfit to be president, saying the Republican mogul "scares the hell" out of him.
New York Police Department commissioner Bill Bratton, who has spent 45 years in public service, told CBS News he did not "get" why the Republican nominee, whose home he has visited, commanded so much support. 

"Mr Trump scares me, scares the hell out of me to be quite frank with you," the Vietnam War veteran said a day after announcing that he would retire next month.
"I'm amazed that veterans groups are so charmed by him. 

"I've just watched this whole campaign and I just shake my head."
The internationally respected police officer chastised the tycoon's "lack of depth on issues", his lack of compassion, questioned his refusal to apologise to the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq and said he believed he was not fit to be president. 

"I wonder if he's ever actually taken a punch in his life," Mr Bratton said. 

"It's a lot tougher being soft and understanding when you need to be soft. Like, the apology to this family," he said of bereaved parents of a fallen soldier who assailed Mr Trump's portrayal of Muslim Americans. 

Mr Trump, a billionaire from New York, has declared himself the "law-and-order candidate" at the November election in which he will face Democratic Party rival Hillary Clinton

Mr Bratton said he had known Trump "for 20-odd years" and had been to his apartment, but was not close or intimate with him.
"I know many people who are, who are very strongly supportive of him, although they have questions. But again, it's troubling," he said

Source: NNA