Guillermo Lasso is claiming he was the victim of electoral fraud and said his campaign will challenge results in all

Guillermo Lasso is claiming he was the victim of electoral fraud and said his campaign will challenge results in all of Ecuador's 24 provinces. 

Speaking to supporters, Lasso said that it was unfathomable that an exit poll that showed him winning by 6 percentage points could have been off by such a large margin. He also questioned why results that took three days to calculate following the first round of voting were announced so quickly in Sunday's runoff. 

"This is very sickening, we're not going to allow it," said Lasso, who called on supporters to protest the results peacefully but firmly. 

"They've crossed a line, which is pretending to abuse the people's will" and install an "illegitimate" government, Lasso said. 

So far the only evidence of possible fraud presented by Lasso's campaign are the results in one tiny provincial voting center that it said were reversed when they were reported to electoral authorities in Quito

Source: NNA