Veteran administrator Momtaz Said becomes second in command, following Hazem Beblawi\'s appointment in mid-July.Momtaz Said has been appointed to the new position of Deputy Finance Minister, Egypt\'s finance ministry announced on Friday. \"There should be a deputy-minister ... to monitor the implementation of new government policies, improve and raise the efficiency of services,\" the ministry said in its statement.It added that Said has worked in the financial field for 40 years and has \"efficiency, integrity and competence and long experience\" in preparing budgets and financial policies.Said will be deputy to Hazem Beblawi, the current Minister of Finance who replaced Samir Radwan in the post in mid-July. Beblawi also serves in the transitional cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister. Among Said\'s previous positions was the director generalship of the Budget for the Ministry of Finance in the late 1990s.