Egypt got the highest votes during the membership elections of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ECOSOC).

Egypt's UN Permanent Representative Amr Abul Atta said the Egyptian candidate, Mohamed Ezzeldin was re-elected with the highest votes, reflecting the international community's confidence in Egyptian experiences and that of developing countries in the ability of Egyptian candidates to express their concerns in the file of human economic, social and cultural rights.

The success shows the great interest the Egyptian foreign policy has been giving to the issue of human economic, social and cultural rights, Abul Atta said.

The ECOSOC is composed of 18 independent experts. Members are elected for a term of four years by ECOSOC member states and may be re-elected if nominated.

The term of service of half of the current committee members will expire on 31 December 2016. An election for those seats took place in April in New York. 

Source : MENA