Egypt's military rulers have agreed to amend the country's election law following days of public protests demanding the speedy transfer of power to a civilian rule. The amendments proposed on Saturday will make it possible for political parties to field candidates in the one-third of seats which were previously reserved for independent candidates, AFP reported. The decision followed a meeting between military chief of staff Sami Enan and members of the Democratic Coalition, which is an umbrella group for dozens of political groups, including the powerful Muslim Brotherhood and the liberal Wafd Party. The participants asked for the removal of Article 5 of the election law which considers two-thirds of the seats for parties and the rest for independent candidates. Opponents of the law fear that the article would help old regime figures return to the Egyptian parliament. About 60 political parties and groups, including the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, had threatened to boycott an upcoming parliamentary election setting a Sunday deadline for the military council to meet their demands. Cairo was the scene of angry protests in the past few days with the historic Liberation Square filled by people demanding an end to emergency laws and speedy transfer of power to a civilian rule. Police attacked hundreds of the protesters in the square on Saturday with shields and batons, arresting 10. At least 846 people were killed during the recent uprising in Egypt, which led to the eventual fall of Mubarak in February. Most Egyptians are still skeptical about a rapid transition towards democracy and civilian rule in the North African country.