Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

The Foreign Ministry scolded Tuesday's Amnesty International report which alleges that thousands of youths have been arbitrarily detained in Egypt over the past two years in connection with protests.

The report under the title Generation Jail: Egypt’s youth go from protest to prison, focuses on the cases of 14 young people who are among thousands who have been arbitrarily arrested, detained and jailed in Egypt over the past two years in connection with protests. It accused Egypt of reverting fully to being a police state.

In a statement Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry said the report is issued by an organization which lacks credibility and objectivity.

The Foreign Ministry accused Amnesty International of having its own agenda and issuing politicized reports based on unidentified and unauthorized sources.

The ministry added that such bias, subjective and double-standard organization seeks to tarnish Egypt's image to attain malicious goals, topped by destabilizing the country.

The ministry said Amnesty International does not respect people's rights in selecting their own leadership and their rejection of terrorism and violence.

The ministry cautioned that such reports issued by Amnesty International and other organizations directly serve the interests of terror organizations spreading across the world.

Turning a deaf ear to terror attacks in Egypt casts aspersions about a link between such organizations and terror groups, it said.