Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed

Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed expected a boost in tourism in view of Egypt's Christmas celebrations and the speech delivered by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi at St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral which sent a message to the whole world that Egypt is safe and secure.

In statements to MENA on Saturday, Rashed said Christmas celebrations nationwide alongside Sisi's interest in restoring churches would encourage tourism.

Reviving the Holy Family's route is very important, the minister stressed, adding that coordination with the Egyptian church to organize trips to the family's passage in Egypt is a message of love and peace to the world.

Boosting the religious tourism would positively affect the tourism sector, Rashed reiterated.

The tourism sector is keen on reviving the Holy Family path as there are millions of Christians worldwide who are interested in visiting these sites, he noted.

Rashed said that he was keen on participating in the Christmas mass and greeting Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Diocese and all the Egyptian Christians on the Christmas.

Source: MENA