Khartoum - Xinhua
Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki Wednesday arrived in Khartoum on an official two-day visit to Sudan to hold talks with his Sudanese counterpart Omar al- Bashir. Afewerki is scheduled to hold talks with the Sudanese president Wednesday evening and visit the Merowe Dam on Thursday to discuss means of extending electricity lines to Eritrea. Meanwhile, official SUNA news agency quoted Sudan Ambassador to Eritrea Majid Yousif as saying that \"the Sudanese-Eritrean talks will review bilateral ties and the developments at the Horn of Africa area.\" In September, Sudanese Chief of Intelligence and Security Service Mohamed Atta visited Eritrea and conveyed a message from al-Bashir to Afewerki, dealing with progress of bilateral relations and the recent developments in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan States.